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Divorce and separation guide

Contested And Uncontested Divorce

By James Wood

A divorce case is contested if the parties cannot agree on every one of the issues involved in their particular situation. Common areas of divorce disagreement include, but are not limited to: grounds for divorce, custody of the children, visitation rights, division of the assets of the marriage, child support, maintenance (alimony), payment of family debts, contribution toward educational expenses (college or parochial), payment of health insurance for the dependent spouse, income tax structuring, etc

When a divorce case is filed, it is given an identification number and is deemed by the court to be a matter that will ultimately require trial time in order to resolve all issues. Divorce cases are generally called for trial in the order in which they were filed.

A divorce case remains a "Contested Divorce" until each and every item is resolved. If, however, at any time during that period of the divorce case, the parties and their attorneys can reach an agreement on all of the issues, they can then stipulate to the court to have the matters heard as an "Uncontested Divorce" (no fault divorce) matter. When this occurs, the court will accommodate the parties to the marriage and provide an expedited Hearing in which it will hear proof regarding the grounds of the divorce and the settlement of the divorce. If the standards of the court and the law are met, the court will approve the settlement and enter a divorce Judgment on that day or shortly thereafter.

Remember that, it is usually easier to marry than to divorce, especially if the spouses who wish to do so must divide their common property as well.

Attempts to use the worldwide Web as an effective means of struggle against bureaucracy are undertaken constantly and sometimes successfully. Today it is possible to fill legal forms for divorce by divorce online legal services.

When searching for divorce information there are some useful resources that should help in your research....

Divorce and Separation | Lawpack DIY legal books and forms

Lawpack's divorce and separation guides provide the information necessary to deal with the situation yourself. divorce,separation,kit,DIY,lawpack,solicitor,grounds Search A-Z of legal subjects ...

Separation & Divorce Kit | Lawpack DIY Law Books & Forms

... Simplified Procedure – 1 copy Free CD contains: Divorce forms Back to top Information & help Divorce & Separation FAQ Is the mother always awarded custody of any children following a divorce? What are the ...

Divorce and Separation

... list of Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends groups running in the UK, links to sites about divorce and relationships, resources for divorce, divorce, separation, Rebuilding When Your Relationship ...

Marriage advice Divorce guide Seperation help - A guide for all ...

Marriage divorce separation - A guide and advice for all couples experiencing marriage problems, divorce proceedings and seperation issues marriage guide, divorce advice, separation help, relate ...

Divorce & Separation

... Making a Will ] [ Administration of Estates ] [ Advising the Elderly ] [ Divorce & Separation ] [ Family Mediation ] [ Had an Accident? ] SEPARATION If you decide to separate you do ...

Plan 4 divorce - marriage and separation advice - divorce law

Marriage divorce law separation - A divorce law guide and advice with topical articles for all couples experiencing marriage problems, divorce proceedings and seperation issues marriage guide, divorce ...

Articles of Interest for those going through divorce or separation

... it affects our lives can be of general interest to those going through a divorce or separation. They can also, for example, provide a better understanding of the ...

Support Organisations for divorce and separation

... and guidance of people struggling to put their lives back together after divorce, separation or broken relationships. It operates in two phases, the first being an 8 week series of ...

Alternatives to Divorce - Separation Agreement Introduction Alternatives to divorce Separation Agreement Judicial Separation Other Financial Proceedings Divorce: The Current Law The Family Law Act Site Plan Divorce ...

Divorce and Separation

To see a PDF version of the Directory click here Divorce and Separation Grounds for divorce Domestic violence is the most common cause of divorce. To apply for divorce you have to be married for at least ...